Sunday, June 1, 2008

Hey Mo, have you seen Jo?

Sadly for the past month or so, my Mo and Jo have been going through a separation.

You see, every so often I lose the desire to work out. AGHAST, I should probably not admit this on a fitness blog. But alas I am human. The usual me likes to work out about 5 times a week with a few double doses (2 workouts in one day, such as cardio at lunch and Pilates after work) thrown in there. I feel my happiest and most fit when doing that.

But, my Workout Mojo has the NERVE to take a vacation once in a while and I am left wondering what happened. Did I burn out? Why am I being so lazy? Blah, blah. And when that happens, I just ride it out waiting for Mo and Jo to find each other again. Though this results in a loss of muscle tone and tighter clothes, on the plus side often what results is a stab at something new.

The last time I lost passion for the pursuit of the almighty sweat and conditioning high was about 6 months ago. That was when I found my way to Joel Harper, fitness contributor to Dr. Mehmet Oz's bestseller You: On A Diet and creator of the Fit Pack workout, a DVD of 9 equipment free workouts. Working with him for a few months definitely helped get the motor running again and reunite MoJo.

I NEED to get the booty to the gym at lunchtime as it will free me up after work and help in the double dose dept. And was thinking about hiring a trainer at the gym. This time around, I have resorted to bribery. My target is my pal Kiki who works near me and was gym membershipless. So, I came up with the idea to pay for a monthly NYSC gym membership for her with the agreement that we work out twice a week together during lunchtime…. Soooo much cheaper then a personal trainer. Am I brilliant or what!? A lunchtime Gym Buddy.

I have had great success with Gym Buddies. I also have a Gym Buddy named Amanda whom I try to meet a few times a month to work out on weekends and evenings. She's been missing her Mojo too so I am trying to help her find it again.

So if you ever find your Mojo missing, just give it some time to come back to you, but be active about it too. Check in with yourself to see if you need to change the ingredients to your workout routine, whether it is trying a new activity, changing instructors, hiring a trainer or just find yourself a gym buddy or two!


Unknown said...

Gym buddies don't work for me. I'm always the one stuck dragging my buddy off to the gym. And when you rely on the other person for inspiration and they keep letting you down, I start feeling like a parole officer.

I guess I have just been choosing the wrong gym buddies

Unknown said...

Hmm..what I've found is that there are times when I just have to take a day or two off to get back on track. I try to work out at least four times a week. It keeps me sane and I love it. But there are days I wake up sore, tired, or whatever. I try not to beat myself up over missing a gym session, because the body and mind need time to recoop too. On those days, I try that much harder to eat healthy though, so I don't have any added guilt or calories.


G said...

Sadaf, that is smart to listen to your body and balance a non gym day with a healthful eating day!