Saturday, June 14, 2008

Day 13 is here!!!!

Hiya kiddies,

Day 13 is all about the liquids: smoothies, green veggie juices and pureed green leafy vegetable soups

It's like the Miss America pagent when all the rounds have built up to this moment.

Can we do it? Have the past 12 days been for naught as we trained our bodies and minds to prepare for these last 2 days of NO solid food...?? YES WE ARE GOING TO DO IT!!!

I am all armed with a batch pf banana and strawberry smoothie with some secret ingredients and just enjoyed a bowl of pureed soup chock full of kale, spinach, collard greens, swiss chard, cauliflower with a little bit of sauteed onions, garlic, ginger and some Bragg's Liquid Aminos.

It turns out my original batch of soup tasted McNasty!!! I had too much water in it and it tasted like swamp water. One of my wonderful fellow detox ladies showed led me to the light. She told me to start pureeing the veggies ONLY then add ladlefulls of water, that I boiled the veggies in, until the desired consistency. And that was what I did this morning and Volia, palatable soup.

I am off to a 2 hour meeting this evening with the group which I am most looking forward to!

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