Sunday, June 15, 2008

Ya'll better go to this!!

I discovered Osho Kundalini Meditation last year on my Costa Rican mediation retreat and have been jonesing to go to another one ever since......

Here are the deets:
Osho Kundalini Meditation with the Energy of Breath Institute
Date: June 25
Time: 6:30-8:30 pm
Address: 1026 Avenue of the Americas, 5th floor (38th and 39th)
Phone: 212-278-8330 (registration preferred)
Cost: $30.00

Description from their website:
Osho Kundalini Mediation is one of the most popular Osho Active Meditations designed to be experienced at Sundown where you literally shake away the day by clearing your body and mind of your day's work. The guided meditative movement is done with our eyes closed so that our bodies' energy stays within us. Afterwards, we will sit together and share our experiences. You will leave feeling refreshed and mellow

The Indian Mystic Osho introduced a revolutionary and integrative life-affirmative approach to meditation and personal growth. This approach, called Osho Active Meditations, suggests that enlightenment is a natural state, not something to be attained; and the most beautiful and powerful way to live and grow is through love, celebration and deep self-acceptance.
Rohi Custage and Giten Tonkov, co founders of the Energy of Breath Institute will teach the workshop.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Day 13 is here!!!!

Hiya kiddies,

Day 13 is all about the liquids: smoothies, green veggie juices and pureed green leafy vegetable soups

It's like the Miss America pagent when all the rounds have built up to this moment.

Can we do it? Have the past 12 days been for naught as we trained our bodies and minds to prepare for these last 2 days of NO solid food...?? YES WE ARE GOING TO DO IT!!!

I am all armed with a batch pf banana and strawberry smoothie with some secret ingredients and just enjoyed a bowl of pureed soup chock full of kale, spinach, collard greens, swiss chard, cauliflower with a little bit of sauteed onions, garlic, ginger and some Bragg's Liquid Aminos.

It turns out my original batch of soup tasted McNasty!!! I had too much water in it and it tasted like swamp water. One of my wonderful fellow detox ladies showed led me to the light. She told me to start pureeing the veggies ONLY then add ladlefulls of water, that I boiled the veggies in, until the desired consistency. And that was what I did this morning and Volia, palatable soup.

I am off to a 2 hour meeting this evening with the group which I am most looking forward to!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Day 10....

Ladies and Gents, I have reached Day 10. What is Day 10 you may wonder..........

First a little backstory. Ten days ago, I began a 14 day detox/cleanse at the tri mur ti yoga studio in Soho led by Amanda Young of Young Wellness and a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

I had been looking to do a detox/cleanse for some time now and most of the ones that I had come across were either too pricey, too unrealistic (Oh I was sooo not going to have a colonic everyday) or structured unappealingly. When I came across this Spring Detox, I was deeeeelighted.

It includes free yoga classes during the detox, 2 meetings with the detox group and a buddy! So ten days ago, 8 participants embarked on a journey together.

The first ten days I coped very well, but most profound was that it taught me that, when I am not spending quality time with cheese fries, I actually know how to eat pretty healthfully, thanks to work that I have done with a prior nutritionist. But I have learned so many new and better things.

But all this is at a SCREECHING halt now. After ten days of slowly giving things up to eat and drink, Day 10 has arrived.....

Day 10 begins: no more nuts, no more fish, no more whole grains.... In its place is just fruits and veggies and veggies and fruits only......

What's in store you may ask? Well:

I made a vegetable soup last night (Day 9) and because I am spastic in the kitchen and a mishap with the blender, the result was pureed green soup all over my kitchen ceiling, floors walls and lets not forget lil ole moi.

Today, I had to enter my credit card info for an online purchase at work, BUT I accidently began entering the card numbers on my TELEPHONE key pad... Giggle.

Anyways, my friends and co workers have been forwarned that I may be extra cranky/moody. so stay tuned because Day 13 is fast approaching....

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Newsweek article

In light of my blog post "Manifesto on proper work out attire" on May 27th, I thought this Newsweek article titled "The Nine Most Oboxious Habits of Gym Rats " was hysterical!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Yoga Works Semi Annual Sale

Ok if you're looking for a reason to commit to a Yoga Practice, head on over to Yoga Work for their semi-annual sale, which started May 31st.

It's the best deal they offer. If you sign up before June 30th you’ll receive 2 months free with a 10 month membership and you don't even have to commit to a full year. You can also get 1 month free with a 5 month membership!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Hey Mo, have you seen Jo?

Sadly for the past month or so, my Mo and Jo have been going through a separation.

You see, every so often I lose the desire to work out. AGHAST, I should probably not admit this on a fitness blog. But alas I am human. The usual me likes to work out about 5 times a week with a few double doses (2 workouts in one day, such as cardio at lunch and Pilates after work) thrown in there. I feel my happiest and most fit when doing that.

But, my Workout Mojo has the NERVE to take a vacation once in a while and I am left wondering what happened. Did I burn out? Why am I being so lazy? Blah, blah. And when that happens, I just ride it out waiting for Mo and Jo to find each other again. Though this results in a loss of muscle tone and tighter clothes, on the plus side often what results is a stab at something new.

The last time I lost passion for the pursuit of the almighty sweat and conditioning high was about 6 months ago. That was when I found my way to Joel Harper, fitness contributor to Dr. Mehmet Oz's bestseller You: On A Diet and creator of the Fit Pack workout, a DVD of 9 equipment free workouts. Working with him for a few months definitely helped get the motor running again and reunite MoJo.

I NEED to get the booty to the gym at lunchtime as it will free me up after work and help in the double dose dept. And was thinking about hiring a trainer at the gym. This time around, I have resorted to bribery. My target is my pal Kiki who works near me and was gym membershipless. So, I came up with the idea to pay for a monthly NYSC gym membership for her with the agreement that we work out twice a week together during lunchtime…. Soooo much cheaper then a personal trainer. Am I brilliant or what!? A lunchtime Gym Buddy.

I have had great success with Gym Buddies. I also have a Gym Buddy named Amanda whom I try to meet a few times a month to work out on weekends and evenings. She's been missing her Mojo too so I am trying to help her find it again.

So if you ever find your Mojo missing, just give it some time to come back to you, but be active about it too. Check in with yourself to see if you need to change the ingredients to your workout routine, whether it is trying a new activity, changing instructors, hiring a trainer or just find yourself a gym buddy or two!