Friday, April 25, 2008

Ahhhhh, limp noodle

I am sitting here slouched in my chair because I am as loose as a goose. I think it may have had something to do with the YAMUNA BODY ROLLING™ (YBR) session I had last night. I decided a few months ago that it would be nice to learn how I can relax and ease my tight muscles without having to splurge for a massage. So I enlisted Rohi from the Energy of Breath Institute, who is certified in YBR to give me some lessons.

YBR uses balls that you roll over to release tension in your muscles and increase range of motion. I have seen people use the foam rollers to work out their tightness, but the idea of a surface with a little more give appealed to me.

(Last night was our second session.) So for 1.5 hours, Rohi and I literally rolled on the floor, placing the ball on various parts of the body and to enhance the stretch, I was directed to breathe into it the body part I was working on. We started with the IT band, then moved to the quads and then to the tummy (um thankfully I did not have a full belly). We also worked on the sacrum and my neck which I have been feeling a lot of tension in. (DAMN my desk job.) My Gyrotonic trainer says that it's a product of having to work with computers where we have a tendency to jut our chins forward when we work.

In spite of the OUCH moments (when I hit really tight areas), it was most enjoyable and I have some lil balls at home that I got on sale from Gaiam that I think I shall use as I am watching the tube!

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