Monday, May 12, 2008

Darkness Meditation: Sometimes being in the complete dark is a good thing.

Last month I attended my first Darkness Meditation given by Meditation from the Source, a Brooklyn based meditation company founded by two absolutely lovely people, Prem Neerajan and Sunder Ashni. Their company specializes in OSHO meditations held in NY and Brooklyn.

I had heard about Darkness Meditation last year and was extremely eager to try it out and was so happy to hear that they had started offering it as a monthly event.

The meditation begins with an intro and then the room is blanketed in COMPLETE darkness. I must admit that I think I may have dozed off, but am not sure because I have been able to go deep into myself during meditations.

But mostly I was in deep awe that my eyes were wide open, but I was staring into complete and utter darkness...... Ashni would occasionally repeat a mantra which would serve to draw me back into the moment as my mind does tend to wander. (I mean whose mind doesn't?) It was sublime and magical.

It's going to be a regular part of my meditation practice and I hope that you can join them on:

Saturday, May 24th from 6:00-8:00 pm
New York Core Center, 115 E.23rd St, 12th floor
Fee: $15.00

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